Saturday, October 6, 2012

Relationships pt2

When you are 27 and single and most of your friends are in serious relationships, you tend to think about relationships a lot. Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy in my singleness. I am very comfortable being single and I don't spend much time at all wishing to be in a relationship. I know that it will happen all in good time, but until them, I am, for the most part, content with where I am. There are days I wish I were not single, but those days are less frequent than the days in which I am perfectly happy with my relationship status.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Relationships pt.1

The past few months I have been thinking about relationships a lot. It seems that almost everyone I know is in a serious romantic relationship. Now, I guess that's not all that unusual given my age, but this is the first time since I can remember that every single one of my closest girl friends have boyfriends/fiances. At the 20 somethings group at my church I am one of only three single girls. That can make things a little awkward when there are 10+ single guys.